Differential Scanning Calorimeter Q2000

Basic information

Instrument number:21212068

Specification: Q2000


Date of purchase: 2019/09/21

Place: F-109,State Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals

Main specifications and technical indicators: Temperature range: -90°C-400°C (mechanical refrigeration)

                                   Accuracy: ± 0.1℃; Temperature accuracy: ± 0.01℃; Spirit acuity: 0.2 uw

                                   Calorimetric reproducibility (In) : ±0.05%; Calorimetric accuracy (In) : ±0.05%

                                   Scanning rate: ±0.01℃/min ~ ±200℃/min; Maximum sample mass: 100mg

Main functions and features: A nondestructive analytical test technique that provides the internal structure of a single crystalline substance, including cell size, 

bond length, bond Angle, and spatial arrangement of atoms.

Main accessories and configuration: It is used to test the glass transition temperature (Tg), thermal stability, oxidation stability, crystallinity, reaction kinetics, 

reaction heat, enthalpy of melting, crystallization temperature and time, purity, gumming (gel) rate, gumming (gel) degree, boiling point and melting point of the material.


联系地址:辽宁省大连市甘井子区凌工路2号 电话:0411-84986505 电子邮箱:diligenliu@dlut.edu.cn 

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